Tuesday, December 9, 2008

Beatles' Trivia Nerds can Whip your Butt!

Shagadelic Peace-a-rific times in Ol' Hollywood.
Let's all take a Magical Mystery Tour up Blue Jay Way when we leave. Or let's just get a pint of Newcastle at the Cat 'n' Fiddle mates. Groovy Wavy Gravy times. Just don't tag up my front yard and throw Colt 45 bottles in it and we be cool!

An Artful Starful

Hey! I like to be where the action is. Never too young to get my groove on to some cool Beatles' tunes! Who are all these really old people? Waaa! Mama, I fell down dancing!

Ms. Mockingbird with The Boys

Ms. T. Mockingbird came out in a hat that Ringo might have worn in "Help!" Can I have this illuminated poster in a Beatles' theme party room? We'll get Ty from "Extreme Home Makeover" to make it happen!

Buttons! Buttons! For Display Only!

Everyone was trying to buy this guy's buttons!
Just like the cool Beatles' Rubber Soul mirror they keep up in the thrift store to taunt you--they won't sell it, they just want to rub it in your face that you can't have it!
The collection was put together by his ex-wife.
You keep the Benz, keep the Kidz, keep the Dogz,
but I get the Beatles' button collection Hunny!

My Bad! It's Jerry Rubin, not Jerry Ruben.

Jerry Rubin is the cool guy on the SM Promenade. Jerry Ruben was hit by a bus.